// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "PartySubsystem.h" void UPartySubsystem::AddToParty(UUnitInfo* UnitInfo) { for (FPartyMember &Unit : Members) { if(GetMemberUnitInfo(Unit)->GetClass() == UnitInfo->GetClass()) { const bool UpdateAllocated = GetMemberAvailable(Unit) == GetMemberAllocated(Unit); SetMemberAvailable(Unit, GetMemberAvailable(Unit) + 1); if (UpdateAllocated) { AllocateMember(Unit); } return; } } } TArray UPartySubsystem::GetMembers() { return Members; } int32 UPartySubsystem::SpawnParty(const float InVerticalSpacing, const float InHorizontalOffset, const float InHorizontalSpacing, const int InNumRows) { this->VerticalSpacing = InVerticalSpacing; this->HorizontalOffset = InHorizontalOffset; this->NumRows = InNumRows; this->HorizontalSpacing = InHorizontalSpacing; for (FPartyMember &Unit : GetMembers()) { for(auto i = 0; i < GetMemberAllocated(Unit); i++) { SpawnQueue.Add(GetMemberUnitInfo(Unit)->GetCharacterClass()); } } const auto NumUnits= SpawnQueue.Num(); SpawnUnits(); GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer( SpawnTimerHandle, this, &UPartySubsystem::SpawnUnits, 0.5f, true); return NumUnits; } void UPartySubsystem::SpawnUnits() { for(auto i = 0; i < NumRows; i++) { if(i + LastSpawnIndex >= SpawnQueue.Num()) { GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().ClearTimer(SpawnTimerHandle); return; } FActorSpawnParameters SpawnActorParameters = {}; SpawnActorParameters.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AdjustIfPossibleButAlwaysSpawn; FVector Location = FVector( VerticalSpacing * i - VerticalSpacing, -HorizontalOffset * CurrentColumn, 0); GetWorld()->SpawnActor(SpawnQueue[i + LastSpawnIndex], &Location, nullptr, SpawnActorParameters); } LastSpawnIndex += NumRows; CurrentColumn++; } TArray UPartySubsystem::GetUnitsByTier(const int32 Tier) const { TArray TierMembers; for(FPartyMember Member : Members) { if(GetMemberUnitInfo(Member)->GetTier() == Tier) { TierMembers.Add(GetMemberUnitInfo(Member)); } } return TierMembers; } void UPartySubsystem::SetCredits(const int32 Amount) { Credits = Amount; } bool UPartySubsystem::AllocateMember(FPartyMember& Member) { Member.Allocated++; if(Member.Allocated > Member.Available) { Member.Allocated = Member.Available; return false; } return true; } bool UPartySubsystem::DeallocateMember(FPartyMember& Member) { Member.Allocated--; if (Member.Allocated < 0) { Member.Allocated = 0; return false; } return true; } void UPartySubsystem::SetMemberMax(FPartyMember& Member) { Member.Allocated = Member.Available; } void UPartySubsystem::ClearMember(FPartyMember& Member) { Member.Allocated = 0; } int32 UPartySubsystem::GetMemberAllocated(FPartyMember& Member) const { return Member.Allocated; } int32 UPartySubsystem::GetMemberAvailable(FPartyMember& Member) const { return Member.Available; } void UPartySubsystem::SetMemberAvailable(FPartyMember& Member, int32 const Amount) { Member.Available = Amount; } void UPartySubsystem::SetMemberUnitInfo(FPartyMember& Member, UUnitInfo* InUnitInfo) { Member.UnitInfo = InUnitInfo; } UUnitInfo* UPartySubsystem::GetMemberUnitInfo(FPartyMember& Member) const { return Member.UnitInfo; }